Reflection for the Day : 02/19/21


                We started off class with a quick write on manhood and what we think it is. After that we were assigned to read a passage about society's view on manhood and how it has a negative affect on boys. I really liked today's lesson because it highlights the disadvantages boys go through behind closed doors. It made me think about my brother, and how reserved he has always been. To think that he keeps to himself because of how other perceives him is actually sad. It makes me want to talk to him about it, and tell him that he doesn't have to be afraid of what others like when it comes to being vulnerable. Then again society is shaped so weirdly that any sign of vulnerability shows feminism. There were 7 questions connected to the passage and I only got 2 of them right. I understood the passage it's just hard for me to differentiate the correct and incorrect answers. I'm not a great test taker. Other than that the class was fine. 
